Rabu, 27 November 2013

Kawasaki Ninja Fuel Injection

 Kawasaki Ninja 250cc Fuel Injection kit

Kawasaki Ninja 250r Fuel Injection Conversion kit is a retro-fit EFI conversion kit to convert the Ninja 250cc twin-cylinder carbureted engine to the fuel injected engine. This kit is designed to replace the twin 30mm carburetor with the twin 28mm throttle body, and with some other minimal modifications, it can make the engine fuel injected at the low cost. This twin throttle body mimics the Kawasaki's FI version throttle body (28mm), and it can be dropped into the place of the carburetor and make the EFI conversion very easy. Further, the ECU controls both fuel and sparks. Both fuel and spark controls are fully programmable. This kit has all the parts you need for the conversion, and it is tuned already with factory setting.

News: the Gen 2 Kit has included a whole set of new parts with a lot of improvement!

This EFI kit has below features:
• Electronic fuel injection (EFI)
• ECU controlled ignition system (replacing the stock IC, direct controls on inductive coils)
• close loop controls with 2x O2 sensors
• Dual fuel maps selectable by a manual switch (Performance Switch: ECO vs. RICH Mode)
• High fuel efficiency and low carbon emissions
• Decel-fuel-cut-off
• On-board self-diagnosis with a MIL lamp
• Fully tunable with a laptop tuning software (free). No need to add any other piggyback device
1.ECU (aluminum housing, full water proof, and EMI* proof)
2.Harness (including the connectors, waterproof)
3.Throttle Body
• Ecotrons twin 28mm Throttle body (including TPS sensor)
• 2x Fuel injector (128g/min)
Upgrade to Kawasaki OEM twin throttle bodies, 2x200cc/min OEM injectors (from European aftermarket, used, pay extra $199)
4.Fuel pump assembly
• Fuel tap to replace the petcock, including both feed port and return port
• Fuel pump (25L/h)
• Fuel pressure regulator(3bar)
• Fuel filter
• fuel hoses and clamps
5.MAP sensor (1.05bar)
6.Engine temperature sensor
7.Intake air temperature sensor
8. compelete ignition controls, fully programmable, with All-In-One ECU.
9. 2x Oxygen sensor and bungs (INCLUDED for close-loop controls)
10.Serial communication cable (to a computer)
11.Serial to USB converter (optional, NOT included)
12.CD - free tuning software (also downloadable)
13. Easy to upgrade to a turbo version (2.5bar MAP sensor, and 2x190g injectors)

*EMI: Electro-Magnetic Interference. Without a metal case, ECU is susceptible to the EMI noise, and can behave erratically, and even dangerously. Especailly for side-by-side racing, your ECU can be interfered by the EMI noise right from your competitor next to you.

This kit does NOT require tuning. The kit is tuned for stock engine settings. With dual O2 sensors, the ECU can do self-tuning for 2 cylinders individually for small variations. If you have some perormance parts installed, it may mostly self-learn the small difference. For big changes of the engine, some manual tuning may be required. Anyway it is fully tunable with a laptop software (ProCAL, free, downloadable), for performance.

Ecotrons Gen 2 Twin Throttle Body
Ninja 250r Throttle Body Ninja 250r Throttle Body
Ninja 250r Throttle Body Ninja 250r Throttle Body
click the pictures to see details!

Kawasaki Ninja Fuel Injection

 Kawasaki Ninja 250cc Fuel Injection kit

Kawasaki Ninja 250r Fuel Injection Conversion kit is a retro-fit EFI conversion kit to convert the Ninja 250cc twin-cylinder carbureted engine to the fuel injected engine. This kit is designed to replace the twin 30mm carburetor with the twin 28mm throttle body, and with some other minimal modifications, it can make the engine fuel injected at the low cost. This twin throttle body mimics the Kawasaki's FI version throttle body (28mm), and it can be dropped into the place of the carburetor and make the EFI conversion very easy. Further, the ECU controls both fuel and sparks. Both fuel and spark controls are fully programmable. This kit has all the parts you need for the conversion, and it is tuned already with factory setting.

News: the Gen 2 Kit has included a whole set of new parts with a lot of improvement!

This EFI kit has below features:
• Electronic fuel injection (EFI)
• ECU controlled ignition system (replacing the stock IC, direct controls on inductive coils)
• close loop controls with 2x O2 sensors
• Dual fuel maps selectable by a manual switch (Performance Switch: ECO vs. RICH Mode)
• High fuel efficiency and low carbon emissions
• Decel-fuel-cut-off
• On-board self-diagnosis with a MIL lamp
• Fully tunable with a laptop tuning software (free). No need to add any other piggyback device
1.ECU (aluminum housing, full water proof, and EMI* proof)
2.Harness (including the connectors, waterproof)
3.Throttle Body
• Ecotrons twin 28mm Throttle body (including TPS sensor)
• 2x Fuel injector (128g/min)
Upgrade to Kawasaki OEM twin throttle bodies, 2x200cc/min OEM injectors (from European aftermarket, used, pay extra $199)
4.Fuel pump assembly
• Fuel tap to replace the petcock, including both feed port and return port
• Fuel pump (25L/h)
• Fuel pressure regulator(3bar)
• Fuel filter
• fuel hoses and clamps
5.MAP sensor (1.05bar)
6.Engine temperature sensor
7.Intake air temperature sensor
8. compelete ignition controls, fully programmable, with All-In-One ECU.
9. 2x Oxygen sensor and bungs (INCLUDED for close-loop controls)
10.Serial communication cable (to a computer)
11.Serial to USB converter (optional, NOT included)
12.CD - free tuning software (also downloadable)
13. Easy to upgrade to a turbo version (2.5bar MAP sensor, and 2x190g injectors)

*EMI: Electro-Magnetic Interference. Without a metal case, ECU is susceptible to the EMI noise, and can behave erratically, and even dangerously. Especailly for side-by-side racing, your ECU can be interfered by the EMI noise right from your competitor next to you.

This kit does NOT require tuning. The kit is tuned for stock engine settings. With dual O2 sensors, the ECU can do self-tuning for 2 cylinders individually for small variations. If you have some perormance parts installed, it may mostly self-learn the small difference. For big changes of the engine, some manual tuning may be required. Anyway it is fully tunable with a laptop software (ProCAL, free, downloadable), for performance.

Ecotrons Gen 2 Twin Throttle Body
Ninja 250r Throttle Body Ninja 250r Throttle Body
Ninja 250r Throttle Body Ninja 250r Throttle Body
click the pictures to see details!

Kawasaki Ninja Fuel Injection

 Kawasaki Ninja 250cc Fuel Injection kit

Kawasaki Ninja 250r Fuel Injection Conversion kit is a retro-fit EFI conversion kit to convert the Ninja 250cc twin-cylinder carbureted engine to the fuel injected engine. This kit is designed to replace the twin 30mm carburetor with the twin 28mm throttle body, and with some other minimal modifications, it can make the engine fuel injected at the low cost. This twin throttle body mimics the Kawasaki's FI version throttle body (28mm), and it can be dropped into the place of the carburetor and make the EFI conversion very easy. Further, the ECU controls both fuel and sparks. Both fuel and spark controls are fully programmable. This kit has all the parts you need for the conversion, and it is tuned already with factory setting.

News: the Gen 2 Kit has included a whole set of new parts with a lot of improvement!

This EFI kit has below features:
• Electronic fuel injection (EFI)
• ECU controlled ignition system (replacing the stock IC, direct controls on inductive coils)
• close loop controls with 2x O2 sensors
• Dual fuel maps selectable by a manual switch (Performance Switch: ECO vs. RICH Mode)
• High fuel efficiency and low carbon emissions
• Decel-fuel-cut-off
• On-board self-diagnosis with a MIL lamp
• Fully tunable with a laptop tuning software (free). No need to add any other piggyback device
1.ECU (aluminum housing, full water proof, and EMI* proof)
2.Harness (including the connectors, waterproof)
3.Throttle Body
• Ecotrons twin 28mm Throttle body (including TPS sensor)
• 2x Fuel injector (128g/min)
Upgrade to Kawasaki OEM twin throttle bodies, 2x200cc/min OEM injectors (from European aftermarket, used, pay extra $199)
4.Fuel pump assembly
• Fuel tap to replace the petcock, including both feed port and return port
• Fuel pump (25L/h)
• Fuel pressure regulator(3bar)
• Fuel filter
• fuel hoses and clamps
5.MAP sensor (1.05bar)
6.Engine temperature sensor
7.Intake air temperature sensor
8. compelete ignition controls, fully programmable, with All-In-One ECU.
9. 2x Oxygen sensor and bungs (INCLUDED for close-loop controls)
10.Serial communication cable (to a computer)
11.Serial to USB converter (optional, NOT included)
12.CD - free tuning software (also downloadable)
13. Easy to upgrade to a turbo version (2.5bar MAP sensor, and 2x190g injectors)

*EMI: Electro-Magnetic Interference. Without a metal case, ECU is susceptible to the EMI noise, and can behave erratically, and even dangerously. Especailly for side-by-side racing, your ECU can be interfered by the EMI noise right from your competitor next to you.

This kit does NOT require tuning. The kit is tuned for stock engine settings. With dual O2 sensors, the ECU can do self-tuning for 2 cylinders individually for small variations. If you have some perormance parts installed, it may mostly self-learn the small difference. For big changes of the engine, some manual tuning may be required. Anyway it is fully tunable with a laptop software (ProCAL, free, downloadable), for performance.

Ecotrons Gen 2 Twin Throttle Body
Ninja 250r Throttle Body Ninja 250r Throttle Body
Ninja 250r Throttle Body Ninja 250r Throttle Body
click the pictures to see details!

Service Manual Super Kips Ninja 150

Rawat Super KIPS, Jika Ninja 150 RR Mulai Mbrebet

OTOMOTIFNET - Super KIPS di Kawasaki Ninja 150R maupun 150RR adalah salah satu teknologi buat menekan konsumsi bahan bakar. Tau sendiri, motor 2-Tak kan terkenal lebih boros ketimbang 4-Tak. Namun dengan teknologi ini, pemakaian bahan bakar di Ninja pekgo jadi lebih bersahabat.

“Saat putaran di bawah 7.000 rpm, KIPS berfungsi menciptakan efek tendangan balik terhadap kabut gas yang tidak habis terbakar. Sehingga tidak terbuang percuma ke dalam saluran gas buang (knalpot), melainkan dibalikkan lagi ke ruang bakar lewat lubang transfer. Makanya konsumsi BBM-nya bisa lebih efisien,” terang Aris Sudiaji dari divisi technical service PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia (KMI).

Gbr 1

Gbr 2


Gbr 4
Tapi begitu masuk di 7.000 rpm ke atas, exhaust valve pengontrol akan menutup saluran balik kabut gas tadi agar peraihan tenaga dapur pacu lebih optimal. Teknologi ini berkerja secara mekanis berdasarkan putaran mesin.

Nah, lantaran termasuk dalam sistem pembuangan, tentu peranti KIPS tersebut bukan tidak mungkin diserang deposit hasil pembakaran. Apalagi kalau perlakukan terhadap motor enggak benar. Misalnya sering menggunakan oli samping yang mutunya kurang bagus alias cenderung menimbulkan deposit.

“Atau, motor keseringan dijalankan di putaran rendah (di bawah 7.000 rpm). Kalau diimbangi juga dengan sering berlari di 7.000 rpm ke atas sih deposit tidak akan mudah hinggap di komponen KIPS. Kerena akan langsung terdorong keluar lewat knalpot,” jelas Reiner M. Sitorus, senior manager spare part & service department marketing division KMI.

Lantas apa yang akan terjadi bila exhaust valve dihinggapi kerak lantaran perlakuan yang tidak tepat tadi? “Jelas akan membuat performa dapur pacu jadi kurang maksimal. Biasanya gejalanya, di 7.000 ke atas putaran mesin akan mbrebet karenan gerak membuka exhaust valve tidak lancar akibat tertahan kerak itu,” terang Reiner.

Kalau sudah begitu, kata Reiner maupun Aris, mau tak mau peranti KIPS kudu dibersihkan dari kerak. Terutama pada exhaust valve (gbr.1), reed valve (gbr.2) maupun rumah reed valve-nya (gbr.3), baik yang sebelah kiri atau kanan blok silinder dengan cara disemprot cairan perontok kerak alias degreaser. Lalu diamkan beberapa saat, lalu seka pakai kain bersih (gbr.4)

Tentunya untuk bisa membersihkan kesemua komponen tadi, peranti KIPS kudu dibongkar terlebih dulu. Urutannya lumayan banyak. Akan sulit dilakukan bila Anda belum paham betul sistem kerjanya. Karena ketika pemasangan kembali, ada beberapa komponen KIPS yang mesti dipasang sesuai tanda tertentu (tanda TOP) kayak valve lever, lever dan sebagainya.

Urutan pembongkaran mulai melepas cover bodi (fairing) kiri dan kanan, ngelepas valve cover boot, lever-nya, valve cover, valve lever sampai masuk tahap pelepasan exhasut valve-nya. Lalu dilanjut membongkar reed valve di kiri-kanan blok silinder.

“Kalau enggan ribet, ketika servis rutin ke bengkel resmi bisa minta untuk diservis sistem KIPS-nya. Karena item service ini bukan termasuk item servis rutin biasa. Konsumen mesti order tersendiri